Pimento Supplementary School
About Organisation
Pimento currently opens 3 days a week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 16.30 to 18.30. Pimento hopes to add another day soon. We offer homework support with English and math for children aged 5 to 25.This school was initially opened as a Caribbean Supplementary school, supporting English and math homework but also offering activities and information re the Black perspective. Pimento quickly became a very diverse, successful and welcoming school, working with over 20 communities. We support parents with exclusion, advocacy, child protection, signposting to relevant organizations such as Citizen Advice Bureau, mental health support, form filling, letter writing, and supporting young people with work experience and Duke of Edinburgh placements.
Pimento Supplementary School
email hidden; JavaScript is required 28 Powis Gardens
London, W11 1JG