Real Action (Q.P.C.T) Ltd
← Back | Last updated on 3 Nov 2021
About Organisation
Our small, dedicated educational charity, Real Action, was founded in 1997 and became a registered charity in 1998. Based in the Queen’s Park ward of Westminster, Real Action was set up by members of the community it serves so as to effectively identify and address the educational needs of a deprived inner-city community, beset by the criminality of child gangs who roamed the Mozart Estate in north Westminster – and were found to be illiterate. The documented, proven, the success of nearly 3,000 primary age children taught to read by our unique, replicable, synthetic phonics Butterfly method since 1999 suggests that educational disadvantage need not result from economic disadvantage.
Real Action (Q.P.C.T) Ltd
020 8960 2065
3 Mozart Street
London, W10 4LA
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